I have been asked by a few people about what I used to photograph during our recent trip to Tanzania so here goes:
- 2 Canon 5Ds, a
- 70-200mm 4.0 IS
- 24-105 4.0
- 16-35 2.8
- 14 x 4Gb CF Cards
- 100 Gb Hyperdrive for backup
- LowePro TLZ LW bag strapped to my chest (highy recommend this bag).
- 7 batteries which was more than enough despite the cold and the 9 days.
- LOTS of ziplock bags for extra piece of mind
The 4.0 lenses were borrowed and purchased just for the trip since they are much lighter than their 2.8 equivalents. I have to say that I really liked the lenses.
Photographing People
One thing that I was really looking forward to when traveling to Tanzania was the prospect of photographing people in their environment. When you first arrive, you are immediately struck by the beauty of the place and the people who live there. Everyone seems busy and much more visually accessible than we are used to here in Canada because it is always warm and also because people travel much more on foot.
It takes only a few attempts before you realize that photography is rarely welcomed and usually scorned. In my first day I saw people literally diving off of roadways into the bushes to avoid the camera or swearing at me in Swahili. I was able to eventually find out that this was caused in the 60s and 70s by photo-journalists taking unflattering photos and writing insulting articles. This compounded with people making money off of their images and a national dislike for photographers was born.
It’s a shame really since these people in this environment are some of the most beautiful that I have seen…
Here is a pile more photos to round off the trip.
The one thing that makes air travel worthwhile
Small farmhouse in Moshi
The long road to Mt Kilimanjaro
Part of a jaw bone, animal unknown
The natural foliage in the Barranco Camp area of Mt Kilimanjaro rivals any garden
Hiker’s converging on camp
Mt Mewenzi from Kilimanjaro
Those famous Kilimanjaro glaciers…
Kilimanjaro layer cake: Add 1 part volcano, 1 part glacier, and top off with some clouds
My poor boots, not so new anymore
Rain-forest canopy
The rain forest approaching Meweka Gate
Sunset on Kilimanjaro
Grounds of the Keys Hotel in Moshi
Dining area from the Moivaro Lodge in Arusha
Stephanie discovers her roots
Giraffe in front of volcanic mound at Mt Meru
Mt Meru at sunset
A slug, yes you heard me
Mt Meru on a clear day
Lizards everywhere
Weaver bird feeding
From our trip home: Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Breathtakingly beautiful and inspiring fotos!
Eva H.